Saturday, February 15, 2020

Health and Social Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health and Social Care - Essay Example Unfortunately, the theory was criticized for its inability to explain how humans organized and perceive sensations (Jarrett, 2012). Gestalts theory attempted to solve this inadequacy by validating that the mind organizes sense stimuli in order to produce perception holistically. However, the functionality focused on the functionality of the mind as opposed to the structures. This theory was influence by Darwin’s theory of natural selection thus it focused on the adaptive behavior values. The above theories were limited to the conscious part of the human mind. This prompted Sigmund Freud through the psychoanalytic theory to incorporate the unconscious part of the mind as a crucial part of psychology. The theory assumes that humans are similar to animals since they both have sexual and instincts which motivate behavior (Chadee, 2011). In contemporary psychology, psychological approaches entail some assumptions on human behavior. Despite the existence of several perspectives, there is none that is more correct then the other as each possesses certain strengths and weaknesses (Campbridge Technicals, 2015). Perhaps this is because of their various facets of approaches to the comprehension of the human behavior. The different psychological perspectives are behaviorist perspective, humanistic perspective, psychodynamic perspective, cognitive psychology, biological psychology, evolutionary perspective, and socio-cultural perspective (Jarrett, 2012). This perspective illuminates how humans (animals inclusive) are controlled by the environment. Their behaviors are as a result of what has been learnt from the environment. These environmental factors are referred to as stimuli that influence human behavior. In this scenario, the human behavior is a response towards the stimuli. The approach encompasses the classical conditioning and operant conditioning as that

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